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Pastor Harry Behrens

My personal story

Read, Pray, Move 

In 2011 my wife Valerie and I founded a non profit called Impact Harvest. With the help of some friends and our church family we grew produce on our small farm to give to families in need. Our intention was to use produce as a vehicle to get to know people and talk to them about Jesus. To this day our organization reaches hundreds of families a year and is partnered with multiple churches to make that possible. The web site is if you would like to find out more.


In 2020 when the covid pandemic hit and businesses and churches were closing their doors, God opened an amazing door for us to walk through. He allowed us to plant a church right in the midst of everyone doing the exact opposite. We knew that God didn't want churches to close nor should they. We took the step of faith to trust him not only with this church plant, but with our health. We decided not to live in fear but by faith. Within a matter of months we had a few new families join us who felt the same way. God has continued to bless our fellowship with amazing people and an effective outreach ministry. 


In 2022 we started the podcast ministry with the intent to just have a study resource for our church members when they missed service. This quickly turned into a powerful outreach ministry as people started sharing the podcast with family and friends. We started getting feedback and encouragement to do more episodes and "The Takeaway" was born. 


As we move into 2023 our hope is to enhance our podcast by starting "The Takeaway live." A show that will have guests and live discussions on Gods word where we will answer questions from our audience. We want to interact with as many people as possible to lead them to Jesus. Not just to save the lost, but to also equip the saints to have a closer more intimate relationship with Jesus.

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